
The rural wife

Once rural woman who never had heard of his wife Delphinus letter, the patient was her husband who was the driver of the motorcycle of motors for the transport of goods in the city will use the his first motorcycle ride, his wife said. The woman was riding the motorcycle with caution and Boo-Boo and embarrassed his hand didn't know where to put that suddenly her husband said ...
Keep me armpits now. The woman asked: what to do? And when I realized the letter was her husband suddenly his face was red with embarrassment back her husband's armpits and slowly soaked his face as tears. The woman reached the halfway of her husband wished to return home, her husband with wonder asked: why? We've almost reached the hospital. The woman replied: I no longer have, the better. Pain does not. Husband of his wife to house them but never realized in the same sentence, that will not be a simple telling of "keep me armpits now" how much sense of humankind in the heart of his wife caused in the same short path, good.